What Is My Legacy?
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, offers us a challenge: “Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can…as long as ever you can.” Your generosity – gifts made during your lifetime and bequests from your estate to our KUMC Endowment Fund – enables us to meet that challenge. The KUMC Endowment Fund empowers and strengthens our church and its mission. By creating a source of funding for the work of our church, the KUMC Endowment Fund will allow us to carry your legacy far into the future.
Why Should I Give?
Your gift will become a lasting legacy empowering Kingswood and its ministries and missions. Your gift can support a variety of church programs and services, or it can be designated for specialized ministries or purposes. You want to build a sense of permanence in what you financially support. You are guided in your stewardship by a belief that all we have been given is a gift from God. Your Christian stewardship includes your assets as well as your income. It is a convenient way to give to the church. The KUMC Endowment Fund is managed professionally with independent oversight and integrity. You may realize tax benefits from your gift.
What Types of Gifts Can I Make?
Cash, securities, real estate, life insurance, retirement plans and personal property can be donated to the KUMC Endowment fund. Or you can arrange for a gift through a life income trust, charitable gift annuity or other charitable giving plans. You may experience the added joy of seeing the positive impact from your gifts given now. Gifts from your estate may be planned with accumulated or residual assets.
How Will My Gift Be Used?
For an undesignated gift, your generosity will enable Kingswood to support its existing programs…respond quickly to emergency needs…meet unforeseen challenges…and develop new programs in response to our changing world. If your gift is designated for a specific use, then the KUMC Endowment Fund committee will administer your gift according to your wishes.
What Effect Will My Gift Have?
The impact of your generosity will be felt in so many ways at Kingswood and beyond. Through the Kingswood Endowment Fund, all of us unite in a common vision of responsibility, commitment, and Christian stewardship. Through our gifts, Kingswood and those we serve will feel the full power of our Christian love and compassion. We will leave a legacy of strength, security, and hope for the members of Kingswood United Methodist Church who follow us.
Please select the links below for additional Planned Giving information you may find helpful.
If you would like to discuss your dreams and the creation of your legacy at Kingswood, please complete and submit the form below: