We fulfill our mission to LOVE GOD and BUILD SACRED COMMUNITY by following Christ as we experience God’s presence through worship, Christian educational programs, service to the community, and fellowship with our diverse membership.

Girls Night Out
Girls Night Out is a fellowship group for women of all ages. We build sacred community by planning unique events each month that appeal to women in their 20's to 90's. Contact: Kelly O'Neil

United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith is an organization for women focusing on mission, service, study and fellowship. Contact: Beth Jayapalan

United Methodist Men
United Methodist Men (UMM) is an organization for men focusing on mission, service, discussion, and fellowship. UMM meets at 8am on the second Saturday of the month for breakfast and devotion. Contact: Tim Shafer

50's Plus Ministry
Our 50's Plus Ministry provides quarterly opportunities for those fifty and older to build sacred community and continue to find ways to serve others through their specific gifts and passions. Contact: Lynn Mikels

Kingswood Krafters
The Kingswood Krafters is a group of women who meets at 9:30 am on Wednesdays (Buffalo Grove campus) to create greeting cards. Proceeds from greeting card sales benefit various missions at Kingswood. Contact: Beth Messina

Susanna Wesley Circle
Susanna Wesley Circle meets for Bible study and fellowship. There is also a Reading Group that meets for book discussions. Contact: Susan Kenski-Sroka

Sacred Threads
Sacred Threads knits prayer shawls for those in need of prayer and comfort. If you're interested in joining this group, contact Susan Kenskie-Sroka.

Kingswood Hoops
The Men’s Basketball League for 2023-24 will launch at 6 pm on Monday, October 16 and through late April, meeting every Monday night except December 25 and January 1. All men are invited for league play and fellowship. Contact Aidan Lally for more information.