PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) is our ministry to homeless brothers and sisters in the area. We serve individuals and families by offering meals and shelter. During COVID-19, we are housing persons in local hotels in partnership with area churches and synagogues.
If you are interested in learning more about our PADS ministry, please email our Site Director, Susan Wilson.
If you wish to make a monetary donation to support PADS, you may donate here or mail a check to Kingswood Church at 401 W. Dundee Road in Buffalo Grove, IL  60089.  Please note PADS on memo line.

Volunteering for PADS

There are several volunteer opportunities to support the PADS Ministry at Kingswood Church, from food donations to various shifts to serve our guests.   Volunteering for PADS offers flexibility that suits your schedule.   New volunteers must participate in PADS training at Journeys The Road Home (our umbrella organization in Palatine), as well as at Kingswood.  Take a look at the  following volunteer duties and consider what might be a good fit for you and your availability:
Donating Food
Please provide enough food to feed 15 adults. Provide pre-cooked main dish or vegetables; provide dinner accompaniments (salad, dessert, milk, juice); provide sack lunch items (bread, lunchmeat, cheese, fruit, bottled water); provide pre-packaged breakfast items (bagels, muffins, breakfast bars, etc.). All food must be dropped off at Kingswood by 6:00 pm Tuesday (or the day before and placed in the refrigerator if necessary).
Dinner Shift 6:15-8:30 pm
Wipe down and set up tables; heat and serve food; put away leftover food; clean kitchen. You may also be asked to put away clean linens and distribute pads to guests. Please be prepared to work in any capacity needed.
First Shift 6:15-11 pm
Assist Site Manager with setting up the site to open at 7 pm; sit at the registration table and help with guest check-in; help volunteers serve dinner and clean up if needed; any other tasks assigned by the Site Manager.
Second Shift 11 pm-3 am
Check-in late arrival guests, prepare sack lunches for guests; walk through church ensuring no one needs attention. We prefer to have one male and one female on this shift. This is a good shift for a retired married couple.
Third Shift 3-7 am
Wake all guests by 6 am; make coffee; set up breakfast items; ask guests to collect their bedding and place it in laundry bags; put out sack lunches; clean up breakfast items. We prefer to have one male and one female volunteer on this shift. This is also a good shift for a retired married couple.
Clean Up Crew 7-8 am
Wipe down pads and pillows with bleach water and place in the closet; clean kitchen and bathrooms; vacuum gym, family rooms and female guest room; empty waste baskets; take garbage to the dumpster.

Online Volunteer Sign Up October-December 2022

We recommend that you establish an account with SignUp Genius to sign up for volunteering.  This will enable you to get an email reminder about your donation/shift.  If you sign up to volunteer and your availability changes, please notify xxxxxxx at least xx hours in advance of your shift or food donation.