Ministry Fair

10 am - 12 pm Sunday, February 12

Kingswood Ministry/Team/Committee Leaders:

Our goal is to help members and recent newcomers alike, discover how their spiritual gifts can spring into action with the many opportunities available at Kingswood.  We are inviting any team, committee, or ministry to host a table at the upcoming Ministry Fair, providing the following things:
  • Basic information about your team/committee/ministry
This can be done in a handout, on a tri-fold board, or in a picture slideshow on an electronic device that you provide.  Get creative!  Please answer the following three areas...
*Our team exists to...?        
*The people we serve are...?        
*Right now (not necessarily in the past!), we serve them by...? 
  • Information about how people can serve
Be specific about what you need.
  • Level of commitment for your team/committee/ministry
Is serving required weekly, monthly, quarterly or at special events?
  • Sign-up sheet for people to indicate interest 
Be sure to have one of your team members follow up with those that have signed up with you!
  • A fun and easy snack to share at your table
Coffee and water will also be served to accompany your snacks
Kingswood will provide a 6-foot rectangle table for you to use, as well as a tablecloth and sign with your name on it.  The rest is up to you!  Be creative and use this opportunity to communicate what you do, what you need, and invite others into your area of sacred community.  You can set up that morning starting at 8:30am.
Please reserve your table by February 8 so we can plan accordingly.
And...if you need anything copied, please send it to Jenn Sawyer by February 6th so that we can have office volunteers print things off for you.

Any questions can be directed to Beth Weeden ( or Charlie Rataj ( who are our Church Council co-chairs, or Jenn Sawyer.