
In the United Methodist Church, Confirmation marks a significant milestone in the spiritual journey of youth. Through this process, young people deepen their understanding of their Christian faith, make a public declaration of their commitment to Jesus Christ, and prepare themselves for active participation in the life of the church. Confirmation also fosters spiritual growth, encourages service and mission, and provides opportunities for community building and ongoing discipleship. Ultimately, the purpose of Confirmation is to help youth establish a personal relationship with God, recognize their spiritual milestones, and continue to grow in their faith throughout their lives.

Sign up for this year's Confirmation Class!

Kingswood Confirmation Class Overview

Who: Any students entering 8th grade through high school
Program: Confirmation is a one year program starting in September of 2024 and ending in May of 2025
When: Select Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:30 pm (see the list of dates under Confirmation Responsibilities for more information)
Where: Mainly based out of the Buffalo Grove campus, meeting at the Deerfield campus occasionally
Why: To learn and grow in your faith journey and deepen your understanding of the United Methodist Church as you prepare to independently confirm your commitment to Christ
Confirmation Sunday: Sunday, May 18, 2025

Kingswood Confirmation Commitment

We understand that life can be busy, and we're committed to working with families to ensure that all youth who are eager to prioritize this experience can fully engage in the program. We are committed to working with you and your student to navigate their busy schedules and competing priorities. Our goal is to support your student's spiritual growth and development, while also acknowledging the realities of their daily lives.

Before starting the Confirmation journey, it's important to understand the commitment required. This journey is a covenant—a sacred promise—between you, your family, and the church, to deepen your relationship with Jesus, and grow in faith.

This covenant includes:
  •  Building meaningful connections with others.
  •   Strengthening your bond with the church community.
  •   Engaging in spiritual growth.
  •   Developing leadership skills.
  •   Participating in service projects.
These experiences will prepare you for Confirmation and a lifelong journey of faith.

If you're interested in learning more, please review the Confirmation 2024-2025 Tentative Dates document by clicking the following red button.
Responsibilities Overview

Confirmation Class: Attend at least 12 of the 16 class sessions and submit make-up work for any missed class
Mentor Meet-Ups: Attend at least 4 of the 8 sessions offered or meet with your mentor at least 4 times on your own
Serving/Volunteer Opportunities: Serve at a minimum of 3 of the 13+ offered experiences or complete at least 3 unique volunteer events on your own
Interfaith Worship Opportunities: Attend at least 3 of the offered experiences with 1 of those at a synagogue or attend at least 3 interfaith worship services on your own
Youth Group/Sunday Night Live/Fellowship Opportunities: Attend at least 2 of the 18+ offered experiences
Youth Praise Band: Not required, but 3 performances would equal 1 volunteer experience
Worship Service Participation: Attend at least 4 worship services at Kingswood UMC and serve as liturgist, Scripture reader, prayers/offering, and also usher or greeter at least once throughout the year
Important Dates: Attend all of the important dates and meetings (Confirmation Kick-off, Ash Wednesday, either Maunday Thursday or Good Friday, either Easter Eve or Easter Sunday, Confirmation Final Retreat, Confirmation Intention meetings, Confirmation Dinner, and Confirmation Sunday)

*All experiences completed during the summer before the program officially begins will also count towards your completion requirements! Consider ways you can get involved now!

Confirmation 2024-2025

To review what was discussed at our Confirmation Information Meeting on August 25, please check out the following PDF. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kate!
Check back here once classes begin!
Topics/Big Ideas,
Make-up Work,
and More!

Confirmation is both a big commitment and a daily commitment!
We are here to help you get ready for this incredible affirmation of your faith!

Kate Lapetino, Coordinator of Youth and Serving Ministries