Palm Sunday Services & Brunch March 24
Palm Sunday is the week before Easter and commemorates the entry of Jesus and his disciples into Jerusalem as Holy Week begins. We will wave palm branches and welcome Jesus with shouts of "Hosanna!" which means "God Save Us!" Both campuses will offer a special Palm Sunday Brunch to celebrate sacred community in Christ and to prepare our strength for the Holy Week journey together. Join us for services at 9:00am and 10:30am at the Buffalo Grove campus and at 10:00am at the Deerfield campus.
Holy Thursday Service & Meal 6:30 pm at Deerfield Campus
Holy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter and commemorates Jesus' Washing the Disciple's feet and the Last Supper. It also highlights the final commandment that Jesus gave his disciples: "Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other. This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other” (John 13:34-35). This year's Holy Thursday service will be at the Deerfield campus starting at 6:30 pm for a meal together, and then we will move into a time of worship, music, and celebrating the Last Supper.
Good Friday Services 12 pm & 7 pm at Buffalo Grove Campus
Join us on Good Friday, March 29, at 12 pm at the Buffalo Grove campus for a Good Friday service involving prayer stations, lighting of candles, prayers, preaching, and reflection on the crucifixion. We will also offer a traditional service at 7:00 pm in-person/online for worship at the Buffalo Grove campus, featuring a drama, special music, and Tenebrae, a service during the final part of Holy Week commemorating the sufferings and death of Christ. All are invited to join us and be reminded of the night Jesus died for us all. There are no services at the Deerfield campus on Good Friday
Easter Services March 31 and New Contemporary Service Offering on March 30
You are invited to join us on Easter Weekend for worship as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. A contemporary Easter service, led in part by our Youth Praise Band and Adult Praise Band, will be held at 5 pm on Saturday, March 30 at the Buffalo Grove campus. The service will have be innovative and unique as a celebration of Easter. Join us on Sunday, March 31, to celebrate joy and rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus! Our traditional Easter services, with flowers and special music, will be held at 9:00 and 10:30 am at Buffalo Grove and 10 am at Deerfield. There will be no Sunrise Service this year.